Thursday, June 21, 2007

Statement of belief

I'm an atheist. That's somewhat descriptive, but more a statement of what I don't believe. What I do believe in is Humanism. I'm the Secular Humanist teacher that Pat Robertson has warned you about. The American Humanist Association has clearly stated the fundamentals of Humanist belief at

When I first read the manifesto, I was astounded by how much it encapsulated my beliefs. I belong to a couple online groups of humanists and freethinkers. Some of the members are atheists, but not humanists. They just fit there better than anywhere else. One guy is very pro gun and capital punishment. I used to get mad and respond in inappropriate ways. I have made a vow not to respond directly to anything he posts anymore. This is my new outlet, especially for progressive views. That said, nothing about that yet, eh?

My favorite progressive websites:

Jesus' General - - very funny

HuffingtonPost - - a clearinghouse of information and mostly
informative blogs

Crooks and Liars - - mainly media clip connections with progressive comments. Run by John Amato who was in some band in the 80s.

Media Matters - - the bane of the Right Wing. Takes their own words in context (video or audio clips included) to illustrate how hateful they are.

I read these daily. Sometimes more than once a day.

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